Sunday, June 29, 2008

morning huh????

Did you ever have a moment when you question yourself? I did this morning. As I was still a bit groggy, making coffee and tea, I looked at a set of antique cutters that we have on our counter- thanks to Emma wanting to play with them all the time. Anyway, I noticed something... take a look..
Did you figure it out? Thats right. Cooky cutter. So then I begin to question myself on how to spell that.
So, now I look up the word Cookie to see if I'm right..
and I am.. But if you look on the bottom, it says "see also cooky"

Did they spell it that way many years ago? This is one of those things that will drive me bananas for ever and ever... Its almost like my own personal Dan Quayle moment.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Weekly addition of my good, bad, and the annoying

Random things from this week that fit into my little categories

Guitar Class - I really enjoyed it! Thinking of buying my own guitar for school.
Trader Joes Shredded beef burritos w/ salsa
New airconditioner in my living room
Emma taking 2 hour naps in the pm (one nap a day)
coffee with 2 splenda and milk
not cooking

Taking the A/C unit from 1982 out of the wall to replace it. This sucker had to weigh 150 pounds. Its huge. We called it "the beast"

still don't have feeling in my 2 finger tips from guitar class

deciding to stop trying to have another baby- but still didn't get AF yet. Since I'm irregular, I have no clue when it will rear its ugly head.

Know it alls that go to classes and have attitude
people who rub it in that its easy for them to get pregnant
Car batteries dying
putting an A/C unit in at 9pm
waking up at 5:30 to go to class
running out of splenda

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Guitar for the non-guitarist

Um.. yeah. I am a NON guitarist, taking a class that will be playing the guitar for 5 straight days, 8 hours a day. I'm not looking forward to this at all. I'm winging a bit, but thats just because I know what is coming..
I doubt I'll be the next Eric Clapton, or Jimi Hendrix at all. I'll keep you all posted.
These music classes I'm taking are a bit crazy. Having a class full of other music teachers can get annoying. I am looking forward to hanging with another teacher from my district, but I'm sure there will be the "guitar boys" in the class.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lets try this again

Lets be honest, or I will be honest with myself... I suck at this. I forget that I even have a blog, but I will keep trying. That is a promise I will make.
Since having Emma 16 months ago, my brain has become mush, and I'm pretty much a walking zombie most of the time.Zombie Cat
Speaking of cats, poor Gemma has a thyroid condition that is almost out of control. She is on meds, but will eat anything. Winston is Winston, and Simon is fine too.

Emma is now almost 16 months. She is running around like a mad woman, and has mastered the art of the temper tantrum.. which means I have mastered the art of stepping over that tantrum and walking away.Teething is not something that she is breazing through either. Very grumpy, but she is cute though. She loves the park, and hates to be at home for long periods of time. Here's a few piccies...
from the park:
Babbling in her "mobile"
and.... playing in the laundry basket. Yes, those are my (clean) pants she's picking up