Saturday, June 28, 2008

Weekly addition of my good, bad, and the annoying

Random things from this week that fit into my little categories

Guitar Class - I really enjoyed it! Thinking of buying my own guitar for school.
Trader Joes Shredded beef burritos w/ salsa
New airconditioner in my living room
Emma taking 2 hour naps in the pm (one nap a day)
coffee with 2 splenda and milk
not cooking

Taking the A/C unit from 1982 out of the wall to replace it. This sucker had to weigh 150 pounds. Its huge. We called it "the beast"

still don't have feeling in my 2 finger tips from guitar class

deciding to stop trying to have another baby- but still didn't get AF yet. Since I'm irregular, I have no clue when it will rear its ugly head.

Know it alls that go to classes and have attitude
people who rub it in that its easy for them to get pregnant
Car batteries dying
putting an A/C unit in at 9pm
waking up at 5:30 to go to class
running out of splenda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted to be able to play the guitar. I have two of them here at electric guitar & an acoustic guitar (both past Christmas gifts to Allie, who never really got past learning a few chords!). Problem is, I want to just be able to pick up and play - I don't want to have to actually LEARN. LOL. Sounds like you had fun!
