Sunday, September 28, 2008

not again...

These past few weeks have been very busy. Our cheeky little monkey is doing great at nursery. We're always getting positive reports. So, that is a good thing.

Now- why did I put Not again as the title??? Well, Mr. Winston
has, once again, eaten something that was not a food. This time he managed to find a kneehigh stocking (either from my hamper, or he climbed in the dryer) and eat it. Yep... surgery again for Winston..

He is well, and will be allowed home on Monday.


Anonymous said...

I guess I won't complain about the chipmunks (it's mostly the heads) that Griffy eats and then barfs back up. *gagging*...because thankfully it's never warranted surgery.

Wow, poor Winston. This is going to make me really careful about socks and the damned Goldendoodle because Casey eats those if he can get his hand on them, and they ALWAYS manage to come back up...but I bet we won't always be so lucky.

Yikes. *ear scratches for Winston*

Just Me said...

Poor Winston!

Scarlett is much too finicky an eater to eat anything but HER food. She won't even eat the dog's food.

The dog, however....well....he doesn't EAT underwear, but he chews the bejeezies out of 'em if he finds 'em. Poor Allie...she's lost at least five pair of good underwear in the past month. (Heck, poor Allie my @ss....if she hasn't learned to NOT leave her underwear lying around on her bedroom floor by now, then she's just daft!)

Anonymous said...

aww poor kitteh! i'm glad emma is liking the new sitter!

Jody said...

Awww poor kitty!!! But you'd Think he'd learn Not to eat anything not in his food dish lol.

Man I can't even Imagine what that cost you!

I hope your handsome boy is home and behaving =)

Anonymous said...

Ok....this is the SECOND time I've left a comment, and it hasn't shown up on your blog. Grrr.

Poor Winston! Hope he is on the road to recovery.
