Sunday, January 25, 2009

Guy! Guy! .... oh my.

Guy! Guy! is what the little one yells to us everytime she see's the remote. "Guy" stands for Family Guy. She always loved the theme song. I'd let her watch it, she'd do her dance, then I'd turn the channel- or she'd go back to playing and ignoring the TV. Here's an example:

Yes, I let her replay and dance to the song... I admit that. Now, she has decided that this is HER show. This is the show that she must watch over and over. This is the show that she will actually eat something when watching. This is the show that will keep her in one place for a few minutes, allowing mommy that little extra time to go to the loo on her own (which I don't remember last time I was alone in there while she was awake)..

So, whilst I don't agree with letting kids watch this show, this is the one she has chosen to have as her own. To the point she throws a tantrum if she can't watch it. Last thing I want is for her to go to nursery and say "smell my ass"... which for some reason makes her laugh. I am trying to cut her off of it, and I can't believe how HARD it is! She likes Chica from the "sunny side up" show, the birthday song, and the berenstein bears. I promise you that after those shows are done, she is calling out "guy! guy!" and when I say "no" it becomes the sad, pathetic, whiney "guuuuyyyy... guyyyyyyy", and when I say "no" again (or its not on now, or its broken, or we've run out), she arches her back and into an oscar worthy tantrum.

I'm in for trouble down the line, I think.


Anonymous said...

Lets put our kids together!! Kayla sings sponge bob!!

Beckie said...

How come they always want to watch the shows they shouldn't be watching. Nathan loves that to show we let him watch it til he was about 2.5yr and could start understanding it, now it's off limits.

Barking Mad! said...

*lol* I have come out here before and watched this and decided to watch it again. Gaby is cracking up which makes me laugh even harder.