Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th and cat woes

As my husband likes to say, England is taking America back one house at a time... The English are a patient people.

Anyway, I have never been one of the biggest fans of this day. There is a big parade up the street, but we decided to stay in to watch "the sunny side up show". Emma likes Kevin and Chica. I'm not saying that I'm not patriotic, but I just don't like going overboard on anything. But to those of you who go all out, have a wonderful day! Its rainy and cloudy here today.

I now have my "hour of solace" and what have I done on this 4th? made some toast and am sitting here with Y&R on. This is only after I cleaned up the poop that was ALL OVER the basement (from Gemma). and I mean ALL OVER. I'm hoping to get her to the vet tomorrow morning, but this can't go on. I'm hoping that it is just a matter of upping her thyroid meds. fingers crossed

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