I really wish I was a good writer. I really would love to be able to put some sort of witty comment in here, in the just right spot, to make this less... well, dull. It is however something that has scared the shit out of me, and has taught me a valuable lesson.
The point of this post is that you have to be your own best advocate. If you think something isn't right- push and push. Don't worry about being a pain in the ass... the docs are getting paid big bucks to take care of you, and you know your body better than they do.
As many of you know, I had vericose vein stripping that went horribly wrong. I knew something was wrong, just after the surgery on September 25th, but was willing to accept what the doctor told me. Even on October 1st, when the doc saw me (sick as a dog with a 102 fever) and told me that was "normal" , I took him at his word, instead of fighting with him to give me the antibiotics I so desperately needed.
Just after the second surgery to evacuate the hematoma in that same vein leg (left), I had some pain in my right calf, that was NOT there before. Once again I listened to the physicians assistant, and the surgeon that this was most likely the start of compensation pain as the pain in my left leg was diminished by about 99%. So, I go through 1 1/2 weeks of pain and swelling in my right leg and call the doc again. This time he had me come in.
I had no other symptoms, except for some swelling, and the pain had gone down to hardly anything. He had me get a doppler study on my leg just to rule out anything. I call and get the next closest appointment that I didn't have to take off of work for (my intuition)- which was 1 week later. I will save my doctors appointment rant for another post.
Now, for anyone who has had ultrasounds, you can always tell when something isn't right. Mind you, at this point the swelling was down to nothing, and ZERO pain. Well, turns out I have a Deep Vein Thrombosis. This is the thing that killed David Bloom, and one of those things that has always been a fear of mine.
About 50% of clots have no symptoms, but these are the symptoms that can show up.
- pain or tenderness in the leg
-swelling, discoloration or redness in the leg
- warmth in the leg.
Those were the symptoms I had, but they all but went away. Please, take a look at this site, and just know the risks.
I will be fine, THANK GOD, thanks to finding this out early. Yeah, shots in the belly 2 times a day isn't fun, but its better than leaving my daughter without a mummy and my husband without a wife.
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7 years ago
That is scary stuff, Christina. I'm glad you followed your instinct.
Thank GOD you're alright!!
Yes blood clots Especially DVT's can be deadly. They can go to your brain, lungs or heart and that's Not a good thing. I don't even need to say what would happen.
So spread the word! I appreciate you bringing this to the blogworlds attention =)
It's ironic, in all the conversations we've had on the phone and email in our little group, how often you've mentioned being terrified of DVT's and now you're dealing with it. I'm just so thankful you're dealing with it on the ground and not at 30,000 feet like you have always feared.
This kind of thing makes me leery of ever getting any of my VV's stripped.
Holy cow babe!!! Good for you for following your instincts!!
Thanks for your post and Praise the Lord you will be fine.
I came over from Aud's blog. Thank you so much for sharing your stroy and links. My mom's husband flies cross-country nearly every week and she worries about this. Again thank you.
Oh my gosh...I'm so glad this turned out well for you...despite the medical ineptitude. I've always feared DVTs...and even went to the ER a few months ago thinking I had one. I felt dumb at the time, but I'd rather follow up my concerns than let them go unattended.
(p.s. Here from Auds)
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