Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The annoyances of selling a house from the view of compassionate Christina

I put my townhouse on the market in May. What I have discovered is that single girls are not as independent as what they were in the past. I have had a few girls come through, and LOVE LOVE LOVE the house... then something happens. They get "scared" and back out to living with mum and dad. Okay- let me preface this with saying that while it is a scary notion to own your own home, and be responsible, there is a point that you have to GROW UP. Your parents will always be there to support you, but there will come a time that you have to just jump in and be a grown up.
My favorite story was that this one person was "scared" because she was working full time (so was I) and going back to school at night (so was I) and that she was scared to have bills.
Okay- WTF> this person has gone back and forth on this for WEEKS now. Had a builder over, and her dad said (3 weeks ago) "we'll get this done by the end of the week"... I'm so sick of time wasters. They wasted my time, John's time (who ran over to put the pilot back on), my realtors time. Not only time, but messing with my mind. My feeling is that if you are NOT ready (emotionally) to buy a house, don't even go out there and look.
I have no sympathy for this girl, or the girl who went back there wtih every member of her family over 5 times before backing out.
I knew when I went out there, that it was time and I didn't F about. I found a house, I bid on it, I bought it. I went to work, went to school, paid my bills. Yes, it was tight for awhile but ya know what? I loved every moment of it.
Girls- GROW UP


Anonymous said...

You know, of my favorite sayings has always been (and will probably always be):


That's what your potential buyers appear to be suffering from! Hope you get your house sold soon.


Jody said...

Christina I hear ya Loud and Clear. Remember that couple who approached US and fell in love with our house? Remember they asked "how soon could you move out?". Well they offered us $10,000 less that what we want. So Anth told em. Nicely. Said to get back to him about the price one way or another. Not to let it come between us blah blah blah.
Well we've never heard back from them.
LOL Morons!!!
So yeah. I hear ya.

Anonymous said...

This just sets my nerves on edge because we are thinking of putting our home on the market in the next 6-12 months and the one thing I cannot stand is time wasters.

I wish people would have the common courtesy to KNOW what they want before they go looking.

Your post has reminded me to make sure I make it clear to our listing agent to don't let ANYONE in unless they've either been pre-approved and KNOW what they want and are not on the fence about anything.

Christina said...

Worst thing is this girl WAS pre-approved. Everyone who has gone in via appointment (w/realtor) has been pre-approved.

Did you say you want to move AGAIN???