Okay- I only have a few people to invite, but hey, not everyone can be the pinical of popularity! Mainly due to lack of blogging time!
Here are the rules courtesy of Barking Mad
You are going to have a dinner party! Oh yes you are. Well OK, not a REAL dinner party, but hey, if you're so inclined, more power to ya. Anyhow, you're having this swell dinner party and you are going to invite ten bloggers. Create a post telling us who you are inviting and what about that person's writing makes you think they'd be an intriguing/funny/interesting person to share a meal with. What have you learned about these people through reading their blogs and what would you hope to learn about them through breaking bread with them? Once you've created your post, be sure and come back here and link (Mr. Linky makes it EASY PEASY!) to that specific post on your blog, and make sure you link back here telling others about the Barking Mad Dinner Party. You can even steal the lame-o graphic above and place it in your post.
Here is my list, albiet a few, that I have invited
1) Shirley- the head nut- who I have known since we were both barely pregnant with our march babies! I met Shirley online and IRL!She also made me this button:
I think its pretty funny
2) Audrey- of Barking mad- who I met whilst we were both in the depths of immigration hell with our British husbands. I've met her IRL too!
3) Marlooney- Same as Audrey- another immigration friend! She makes the best damn cheesecake you could ever encounter! Love her and her hubby- who pointed out my mistaken bridge knowlege. haha! I think I spelled something wrong there, but my brain can't process this! LOL
4) T- I love her crunchy, homebirth, non vax ways! She also makes awesome dresses, taggies, slings and whatnot! I have a taggie from her and Emma loves it!
5) Jess- Nobody needs to be pampered at a dinner party like Jess! She's preggo with baby Ellie, and has two adorable boys. :)
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7 years ago
1 comment:
I really don't get this virtual dinner party thing. Sorry. I'm daft. :)
I do appreciate the comment about the cheesecake, however. Hmmm....it's been ages since I've made one.
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