No Auds- this will NOT be you, but your comment in your last email made me think of this and giggle. I have to say that I know there are ups and downs, but you do make me laugh. I still think back and laugh at that HELL that was immigration and some of th chit chat on our forum. We were strange, weren't we- but then again, that is what going through immigration does to a person. So- Who can forget these moments:
-taking pictures of inanimate objects acting out major motion pictures..
-your subaru flooding - but that will happen when you go through a giant puddle!
- the unfortunate cat in the volvo, followed by the mouse in the toilet
- the terrorist thread- I really enjoyed talking to our friendly Pakistan boys.
- didn't you crazy glue yourself to the steering wheel?
- your miriad (hows that for my big word- probably spelled wrong) of hair colors
- what level of Hell were we going to be at? There was a dog there.. the party floor..
- the peace sign mowed into your lawn
-following each other to Baltimore in the worst rain we've had here in awhile!
-more recently: the snake story, how you did that to your hair today, I'll never know- but I soooo need to know!
So, keep writing and making us all have a huge laugh or a little chuckle. Just try not to worry too much. You will NOT become the crazy cat lady!
Awwwwww thank you! That made me both laugh and cry.
I had totally forgotten all about the levels of hell. *lol* OMG those were the days!
Seriously, where did you find the Crazy Cat Lady doll? That's too funny.
I remember a lot of those days, too.
How could you have forgotten the dirt thread, though?!!
..yep we Love our Auds. She makes me wet my pants..almost literally LOL!!!
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